FAQS & Tips

Frequently Asked Queries

  • Where is Sri Cty located ?
    • Sri City is located in Tada, Andhra Pradesh. 
      Please view the Contacts page for the address and map. 

  • Do I have to Pay anything to register my CV ?
    • Registering in this job portal is free and you are not required to pay any fee or subscription. 

  • I'm already employed in a company inside Sri City. Can I register ?
    • Yes, you can. Please mention this clearly, including company/industry name and address,  while Updating your Profile post-registration. 

  • Is there a minimum requirement to apply for a Job ?
    • The Minimum expectation from the industries inside Sri City is communication in the English language.
      Please refer to the Job details for specific requirements. 

  • I have a job now. I want to Register for a future requirement. Can I hide my Resume ?
    • You can "Hide" your Resume until you decide to make it accessible to the Employers. Use the Link in your Dashboard. 

  • I was called for an interview, but unable to attend due to an emergency. What should I do ?
    •  In case you are unable to attend an interview, please communicate to the company's contact person. 


Productive Tips

  • Please ensure you have proof for all the details provided in your resume uploaded in this portal. (Eg., qualification, experience and salary)
  • Prepare well for the interview on the subjects you studied. Be strong in fundamentals.
  • Have your PF and ESI numbers with you always. It would be useful while you join any company.
  • If you are called fr an interview, please take your resume, qualification certificates, Aadhar card, last payslips, etc along with you.